Friday, February 26, 2010

Varanasi panoramic

put together from 28 individual photos. you can see the Ganges River on either end of the picture. click on the picture to see the enlarged image for full effect.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

video in Old Delhi

I've been in Delhi, Jaipur, and Varanasi for the past week and a half. Delhi to find myself some new projects to work on, Jaipur to visit family, Varanasi to scope out a new place in India.

One of my favorite parts about being in Hindi-speaking India is talking to people I encounter. The conversations are always interesting and often amusing. It makes photographing more fun as well. While I enjoy Chennai and southern India, it's the sort of interactions captured here that I cannot have in South India. I am not sure how informative or formative these types of interactions are, but I tend to be a believer in experiential learning. You're obviously closer to people who you can communicate with and problems that you can internalize through first-hand encounters.

A friend took her camera and captured the two of us strolling through Old Delhi, traversing a vegetable market, heading toward a bread omelette stand, all while on our way to Karim's near Jama Masjid. We stopped to talk to the kids on the streets selling vegetables and making omelettes. Actually considered one of the "less safe" areas of Delhi, it's fairly evident that a little bit of personal interaction can turn a seemingly unsafe place - admittedly, it is not very inviting if you're not conversing with the people - into an incredibly safe one in an instant.

Pictures of Varanasi to come soon. I'll also try to post the pictures that I am shown taking in this video.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

really...I work?

I should devote some space on this blog to my job - seeing that work is the reason I am in India. It's easier to start out with a pictorial tour of a fun day at work and work my way toward more specific duties and projects. For the verbiage inclined: I work at a private, diabetes research foundation in Chennai - the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (MDRF). I propose and devise studies and then implement those that are feasible given my time and resource constraints. All of my work has to do with populations, though MDRF spans the research spectrum from the bench (laboratory and basic science) to the bedside (translational research).

Less than urban Tamil Nadu