Wednesday, February 3, 2010

really...I work?

I should devote some space on this blog to my job - seeing that work is the reason I am in India. It's easier to start out with a pictorial tour of a fun day at work and work my way toward more specific duties and projects. For the verbiage inclined: I work at a private, diabetes research foundation in Chennai - the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (MDRF). I propose and devise studies and then implement those that are feasible given my time and resource constraints. All of my work has to do with populations, though MDRF spans the research spectrum from the bench (laboratory and basic science) to the bedside (translational research).

Less than urban Tamil Nadu

1 comment:

  1. Great Pictures Kunal! This is really interesting! I can't believe how the facilities look. I seriously need to take a tour of many indian hospitals and see how medical tourism has changed their business.
    What are you learning from your internship there? Indians have the highest risk of having diabetes but I wonder how counseling patients (especially Rural patients) in India about diabetes would differ from counseling patients here?

    Keep posting! Also, say hi to Kartik (your staff member) for me.
